Marshmallow Root The Tasty Treat With Incredible Benefits

Marshmallow root (Althaeas genus) was originally used to make marshmallows before using corn starch and refined sugar. Until the mid nineteenth century it was on available to wealthy people. Everyone else tasted marshmallows when they took pills as doctors would sometimes hide the medicine inside the candy to cover the pill's undesirable taste. The roots of the flower are now mainly used & sometimes the leaves and the flowers themselves.

Marshmallow forms a soothing gelatinous fiber when water is added. The tea is an emollient, expectorant as well as a mild laxative. It was used internally for soothing sore throats, laryngitis and tonsillitis, coughs, dryness of the lungs and digestive upsets. Marshmallow tea is recommended for treating inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat and the associated dry cough. It’s also good for treating wounds and skin inflammations.

Marshmallow contains mucilage, which is a good source of soluble fiber, and is good for soothing gastrointestinal diseases. It helps with digestion by reducing bowel transit time, absorbing toxins from the bowel & increasing fecal bulk. Mucilage as a fiber also helps the body to normalize hormonal balance, which is important for good health.

Marshmallow comes as whole root, powdered root, root tea and syrups

The leaves and flowers can be eaten by first boiling and steaming then frying in oil or butter.

Marshmallow root extract uses

- Anti-inflammatory

- Antioxidant

- Breathing Disorders

- Bronchitis

- Catarrh (respiratory mucous)

- Cellular Regeneration

- Cleansing

- Colds and flu

- Supressing coughs

- Detoxification

- Digestive Upsets

- Gastritis

- Gastroenteritis

- Immune System

- Laryngitis

- Poultice

- Skin Problems

- Sore Throat

- Urinary Tract Problems

- Wounds

- Used externally for irritations, boils, burns, abscesses

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